A History of Ireland in The Reign of Elizabeth
Being a Portion of the History of Catholic Ireland
Author: Don Philip O’Sullivan Bear (written in Latin in 1621)
Translation: Matthem J. Byrne
Published: 1903; Sealy, Bryers & Walker, Dublin, Ireland
Don Philip O’Sullivan Bear was a historian and the nephew of Donal Cam O’Sullivan Bear who was the ruler of the Beara Peninsula in County Cork at the time of the Battle of Kinsale, 1601.
Donal ruled from Dunboy Castle which is located near the present town of Castletownbere, located on the north shore of Bantry Bay. This volume is a Portion of the History of Catholic Ireland under Queen Elizabeth I.
One of the significant features of this book is that it provides evidence of the famous trek that Donal Cam O’Sullivan Bear made along with a thousand of his followers from Bantry Bay to Leitrim in Northern Ireland following the capture of Dunboy Castle in 1601. He arrived in Leitrim with only about 30 of his people still alive.
Two popular books, The Last Prince of Ireland by Morgan Llywelyn (1992) and From Bantry Bay to Leitrim by Peter Somerville-Large (1974), describe this famous trek using Don Philip O’Sullivan Bear’s book as a source.
Don Philip O’Sullivan Bear’s book is a rare and out of print book, which you may be able to buy from a ‘rare books dealer’ or borrow from a larger library.
A New Book of Rights
Being a complete transcript of the legal verdicts handed down by the courts of the Republic of Italy concerning the heraldic rights, status, and prerogatives of The MacCarthy Mór,
Prince of Desmond, Chief of His Name and Arms and Head of the Eoghanacht Royal House of Munster with a translation of Letters Patent confirming the same issued by His Excellency The Marques de la Floresta, Castile & Leon King of Arms
200 pages – ISBN: 0965422046
Published: Nov. 1998; The Royal Eóghanacht Society (P.O. Box 70, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland).
Description: From the foreword . . .
There is a religious aphorism to the effect that “To those who believe, no explanation is necessary. To those who will not believe, none is possible.”
The stress is valid on “WILL NOT” which underlines the impossibility of “converting” those who maintain an ACTIVE wish to disbelieve, rather than a mere indifference, or even lack of belief. I have not the slightest doubt that those who WILL NOT believe in the continued existence of the Gaelic Royal Houses will be indifferent to these verdicts, whilst those of us who have always supported them hardly require sight of such “proofs.”
Accordingly, the Royal Eóghanacht Society has published this book merely as a matter of record rather than as an aid to proselytism.
An Irish Miscellany: Essays Heraldic, Historical and Genealogical
240+ pages, illustrated library cover; Indexed with bibliography – ISBN 0965422038
Author: Terence McCarthy & Andrew Davison
Published: 1998; Gryfons Publishers & Distributors, Little Rock, AR, USA.
Table of Contents:
- The Greening of Irish History
- Saint Patrick’s Crown
- Coronation, The Forgotten Sacrament
- The High Kingship of Ireland; An Examination of Historical Evidences
- The Chief Herald of Ireland and the Nobiliary Status of Irish Arms
- Gaelic Heraldry and the Kingdom of Desmond
- Shields, Ensigns and Standards; Proto-Heraldry in Gaelic Ireland
- Hatchments and Heralds: A Brief Account of Funeral Practices in Ireland
- Irish Heraldic Bookplates
- Gaelic Feudalism and the Kingdom of Desmond
- The Liberal Policy of Lord Deputy St. Leger and the Foundation of Ulster’s Office
- Shame on the Golden Chain
- King Donal IX MacCarthy Mór, A Political Portrait
- “She Engaged Him tSurrender into Her Hands His Kingdom of Desmond” King Donal IX MacCarthy Mór and Elizabeth Tudor
- A Brief Genealogical Account of The Maguires, Princes of Fermanagh and Barons of Enniskillen
- A Brief Pedigree of the Chiefly House of the O’Doghertys of Inishowen
- The O’Longs of Garranelongy
- The McNallys of County Armagh
- The Fergusons of Belfast: A Short Account of the Ancestry of H.R.H. The Duchess of York
- The Successional Laws of the Eoghanacht Dynasty
- A Brief Account of the Eóghanacht Chiefs and Their Clans
- The Order of St. Patrick – Why It Cannot Be “Restored”
- The “Auctoritas” and “Potestas” of Princes; Divine Gift or Popular Concession?”
- Census, Taxation and Military Record of Genealogical Importance in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.
Gaelic Titles and Forms of Address
2nd ed.
Author: (the late) Chevalier William F.K. Marmion
Published: 1997; Irish Genealogical Foundation (P.O. Box 7575, Kansas City, MO 64116, USA)
This is the 2nd edition of this work as the first (1990) was sold out quickly.
There is an interest in Gaelic titles as they have been neglected and often misunderstood. This work is the only book ever on the subject and clears up the historic situation, to include narrative on the confusing relationship to European and English titles.
Included in this 2nd edition is the article “Nobiliary Titles in the Republic” reprinted from a 1995 article in IRISH ROOTS magazine and comments on the Standing Council of Irish Chiefs membership and the organisation Clans of Ireland, Ltd. The book fills a void.
The author pointed out to Clan MacCarthy that it was written well before the 1999 MacCarthy Mór revelations and that therefore certain statements relating to the order of the Niadh Nask must now be viewed in the light of those revelations.
Gleanings From Irish History
Author: William F.T. Butler, M.R.I.A
Published: 1925; Longmans, Green, and Co., London, England
W.F.T. Butler was a noted Irish historian from the early part of the 20th Century. His book “Gleanings from Irish History” provides the foundation of understanding of the Lordship of MacCarthy Mór and the Lordship of MacCarthy Reagh.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- I. The Lordship Of MacCarthy Mór
- II. The Lordship Of MacCarthy Reagh
- III. The Policy Of Surrender And Regrant
- IV. The Cromwellian Confiscation In Muskerry
- Appendix
- Index
This is a rare volume, long out of print, which you may be able to buy from a ‘rare books dealer’ or borrow from a larger library.
Historical Essays on the Kingdom of Munster
Author: Terence Francis McCarthy (former MacCarthy Mór)
Published: 1994; The Irish Genealogical Foundation
This volume is devoted to the History of Munster and the role that the MacCarthys played in its history and rule from the time of Christ until the last ruling king of Munster, King Donal IV MacCarthy Mór, who died in 1596.
This rare volume is out of print, which you may be able to buy from a ‘rare books dealer’ or borrow from a larger library.
Houses of Kerry
Published: Ballinakella Press, Whitegate, Co. Clare, Ireland (cost: 38 Irish punts)
Irish Families
Published: Box 7575, Kansas City, MO 64116, USA
Irish Knighthoods and related subjects: an Anthology of Published Works
155 pages, 16 pages of illustrations
Author: Chevalier William F.K. Marmion, with an introduction by Baron Scott C.S. Stone
Published: 2002. Irish Genealogical Foundation, P.O. Box 7575, Kansas City, MO 64116 USA.
This work contains 15 articles/excerpts from the published works of the author, which appeared in Irish journals/magazines such as Irish Roots, Ireland’s Own, etc., from 1995 onward. There are firstly the articles dealing with knightly orders in Ireland from circa 1170 to the suppression circa 1540 by English King Henry VIII – Orders such as the Templars, the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem (Knights of Malta), St. Lazarus, etc.
Extensively researched, there is not only history but also hundreds of names of Irish knights of those orders, rescued from the ashes via old documents etc. Also there is a listing of all ‘commanderies’, locations in Ireland, who founded them, etc.
The subject of the Irish in the Crusades is covered, as is the difficult subject of Gaelic knighthoods to include commentary on the so-called “MacCarthy Mór” controversy. The author speaks to the situation of the Standing Council of Irish Chiefs and the office of the Chief Herald since the delisting of Terence McCarthy. There is much on clan organisational efforts in Ireland via Clans of Ireland, Ltd.
Included in the work is an article on all the U.S. Civil War generals of Irish-birth (more than from any other country), and a few articles on “modern” knights.
In summary, the book captures much history that has been neglected over the centuries and, as said, is also a treasure trove of name identifications. The rather emotional subject of nobiliary stylings and the current legalities/ usages in Ireland is covered objectively and without any agenda.
Justin MacCarthy, Lord Mountcashel, Commander of the first Irish Brigade in France
62 pages, illustrated cardcover, extensive notes and bibliography – ISBN 0-9523838-4-5
Author: John A. Murphy, M.A.
Published: 1959; Republished by The Royal Eóghanacht Society, 1999.
Provides insight, from the Gaelic perspective, to the Jacobite-Williamite period in Ireland … this was a non-Irish conflict sparked overseas, finished in Ireland, and one that forever altered the course of Gaelic Ireland … the fascinating life story of the main character, Lieutenant General, Justin MacCarthy, Viscount Mountcashel, Duke of Clancarthy, a perfect example of the ancient aristocratic Irish Catholic military officer who, due to religious politics, faced a life of changing loyalties during the 17th century. To survive, he and his peers had no choice but to fight in Ireland, England, and on the European continent.
It is Justin MacCarthy’s story that starts the saga of the Wild Geese … an easy reading essay that weaves the life of Justin MacCarthy into the Cromwellian, the Jacobite, and the continental wars of Louis XIV. Not only is it an exceptional history into the MacCarthy power in Munster, it is THE history of the Brigade’s establishment.
Any fan of Irish or Wild Geese history will enjoy this fine essay.
Kenmare and its Storied Glen
Author: Sister Philomena McCarthy
Published: 1993; Killarney Printing Works, Ltd., Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland
The Clan Dermond MacCarthys in ancient times ruled over an area near Kenmare in County Kerry and a nearby area in the Beara Peninsula in County Cork.
The table of contents:
- Echoes of far-off days in Glanerought
- Christianity Comes
- Vikings, Normans, and the Battle of Callan
- Life in the Glen 12261-1660
- O’Sullivan Glans and O’Mahonys
- The 18th century merges into the 19th
- The Downings of Kenmare and Michael Doheny
- Archdeacon John O’Sullivan and the Famine
- Education in the Area 19th. century
- Fenianism and the Land League in Kenmare
- A child’s memories of the War of Independence
- Names of the townlands in the four parishes
For those who are interested in this part of County Kerry, this is a beautifully written and illustrated book of the history of Kenmare. Sister Philomena was a teacher at St. Clare’s Convent in Kenmare since 1939.
The Kings of the Race of Eibhear
90 pages, illustrated paperback, 6″ x 9″ – ISBN: 0-9654220-6-2
Author: A Chronological Poem by John O’Dugan [Sean Og O Dubhagain] (circa 1370),
Translated : Michael Kearney (1635),
Edited: John Daly (1847).
With a foreword by Peter Berresford Ellis and a commentary & appendices by Terence McCarthy.
Republished: 1999; The Royal Eóghanacht Society.
The Celts had a impressive and impeccable tradition of committing to memory immense amounts of historical and genealogical facts in the form of oral tradition . . . We can be certain that ancient Gaelic learning was carefully transmitted from generation to generation for many centuries before it was committed to writing in the late fifth century of the Christian era. At that time, when the Senchus Mór was first codified, it was ordered that every Ollamh had to be specifically qualified in history, chronology, synchronism and genealogy. He or she had to know at least 350 histories or romances by heart, and be able to recite them word-perfect at a moment’s notice. An ollamh was obliged to know all the prerogatives, rights, duties, restrictions and obligations not only of the High-King but of the provincial kings and their vassals.
The Leabhar na gCeart (Book of Rights) states: ‘The learned historian who does not know the prerogatives and prohibitions of these kings, is not entitled to visitations or to sell his composition.’
Complete with reproduction of the original text, as well as additional commentary and appendices as listed below:
- A Successional List of the Kings of Munster
- Genealogical Charts of the Eoghanacht and Dál gCais Kings of Munster
- The Descent of Conall Corc from Eibhear & Milesius
- Notes on John Daly’s Preface to the 1847 Edition
Published: Ballinakella Press, Whitegate, Co. Clare, Ireland (cost: 6 Irish punts)
McCarthy’s Bar
Author: Pete McCarthy
Published: 2000, Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010
This is a best seller in Ireland, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Pete McCarthy is the author and he was born in England to an Irish mother and an English father. He is a writer and performer of many travel series for radio and television in the United Kingdom and this is his first book.
According to “The Irish News”, this is “A travelogue of Ireland told through great set pieces and jokes … The author seems to have a natural aptitude for meeting funny, strange, and fascinating people. This book will make you laugh out loud”.
The MacCarthys of Munster
A Facsimile Edition
560+ pages, 6½” X 9½” Clothbound covers on booktext stock, illustrated with plates of family portraits, castles, and seats, indexed and with an extensive bibliography – ISBN 0965422011
Author: Samuel Trant McCarthy, with an Introduction and Commentary by Terence Francis McCarthy (former MacCarthy Mór)
Originally Published: 1922; The Dundalgan Press, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland
Facsimile Edition Published: 1997; Gryfons Publishers & Distributors, Little Rock, AR, USA.
A facsimile edition of this rare and much sought after historical and genealogical account of the Royal House of MacCarthy Mór and its many cadet lines. Widely greeted in 1922 as the most extensive history of Clan MacCarthy attempted to that date, this second edition is complemented by the addition of an extensive commentary, correcting errors in the original work, updating pedigrees and incorporating previously unpublished archival material from the family papers.
148 Washington Street, P.O. Box 778
Salem, MA 01970
Phone: 978-745-7170 Fax: 978-745-8025
E-mail: acquisitions@higginsonbooks.com
The McCartys of Virginia
Author: Clara McCarty
Published: The Dietz Press, Richmond, VA, USA
Ulsters’s Office 1552-1800, A History of the Irish Office of Arms from the Tudor Plantations to the Act of Union
280 pages, 6½” X 9½” Clothbound covers on booktext stock, illustrated, Indexed with an extensive bibliography – ISBN 0965422003
Author: Terence McCarthy with a foreword by John P.B. Brooke-Little, Esq., CVO, MA, FSA, Clarenceux King of Arms
Published: 1996; Gryfons Publishers & Distributors, Little Rock, AR, USA.
- The Rise of the English Heralds, Anglo-Norman and Gaelic Heraldry, and the Ireland Kings of Arms.
- The Foundation of Ulster’s Office and the Development of the Duties of the Kings of Arms.
- Ulster King of Arms and the House of Lords.
- Peers and Precedence.
- The Visitations 1568-1618.
- Funeral Entries, Fees and Perquisites.
- Arms and Pedigrees.
- Ulster King of Arms and the Viceregal Court.
- Office Finances and Addresses.
- A Biographical Successional List of Ulster Kings of Arms and Athlone Pursuivants 1552-1800.
- Heraldic Glossary.
- Ulster’s Roll for the Patriot Parliament of 1688.
- Extracts From the Diary of William Hawkins, Ulster.
- Fees of Honour Received by Ulster’s Office 1797-1800.
- Visitation Warrant 1568.
History of the Irish Brigades in the Service of France
From the Revolution in Great Britain and Ireland Under James II, to the Revolution in France Under Louis XVI by John Cornelius O’CallaghanExpulsion of James II to the French Revolution.
Product Identifiers | |
Publisher | Naval & Military Press Ltd |
ISBN-10 | 1845740173 |
ISBN-13 | 9781845740177 |

‘The wild geese’ as Irish mercenaries in Europe were unofficially known, had a deservedly high reputation as fighting men. Forced to flee their native island after the defeat and expulsion of the Catholic King James II, the Irish Brigades followed their master to his exile in France – and remained. Fed by continual drafts of fresh exiles from Ireland, whence they had been driven by anti-Catholic discrimination, the Brigades served both the Stuart – or Jacobite- cause, and that of the French Crown with distinction out of all proportion to their numbers. Eventually the emancipation of the Catholics in Britain and the French revolution dried up the source of recruits and helped ensure that the valuable military services of the Irish would – at least for the 19th and early 20th centuries – be given to Britain. O’Callaghan’s history is a rich and full one which, as its author insists, cannot fail to be of interest to British, as well as to Irish, readers. Illustrated with several portraits.
The Irish Brigade 1670–1745
The Wild Geese in French Service
By: D P Graham
Publisher: Pen and Sword Military
Print ISBN: 9781526727732, 1526727730
eText ISBN: 9781526727749, 1526727749

Irish Brigades Abroad: From the Wild Geese to the Napoleonic Wars
Stephen McGarry
A history including the the Revolutionary War, the French Revolution, and the Flight of the Wild Geese
Covering the period from King James II’s reign of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland in 1685, until the disbandment of the Irish Brigades in France and Spain, this book looks at the origins, formation, recruitment, and the exploits of the Irish regiments, including their long years of campaigning from the War of the Grand Alliance in 1688 right through to the Napoleonic Wars in 1815. What emerges is a picture of the old-fashioned virtues of honor, chivalry, integrity and loyalty, of adventure and sacrifice in the name of a greater cause.

Napoleon’s Irish Legion Hardcover – May 1, 1993
by Professor John G. Gallaher B.A. M.A. Ph.D.
ISBN-10: 0809318253
ISBN-13: 978-0809318254
Publisher: Southern Illinois University Press; 1st Edition (May 1, 1993)
Drawing heavily on the original documents of the Archives de la guerre, John G. Gallaher has written the first complete account of the storied Irish Legion, which joined with Napoleon to fight England.
Following the failed Rebellion of 1798, hundreds of Irishmen fled to the Continent to avoid imprisonment or execution. As part of his planned campaign against England and Ireland in 1803, Napoleon authorized the creation of an Irish Legion to invade Ireland in order to tie down British forces that could otherwise have been used against the main French invasion of England.

The promise of returning to Ireland with the French army at their backs brought many recruits to the Legion. The Irish emigrants who enlisted in this special unit of the French army were Irish nationalists who intended to liberate Ireland and create an Irish republic.
When the anticipated expedition to Ireland never took place, some of the Irishmen quit the army though the great majority of them remained to fight for Napoleon. Battalions of the Legion encountered the British at Flushing in 1809, fought Wellington in Portugal in 1810–11, and served with distinction at the Battle of Bautzen and in Silesia, where after heavy losses in lesser engagements with the enemy, the Legion was finally destroyed on the banks of the Bober River in 1813. The Legion was reorganized in the winter of 1813–14, but with a dwindling number of Irishmen.
With the passage of time the Irish became Bonapartists, and following the Second Restoration in 1815, the surviving remnants of the Irish Legion were disbanded. Until the end, the men of the Legion did not lose their love for Ireland nor their hope that one day they would return to their native land as part of a French military expedition. The Irish veterans of the Napoleonic wars were retired at half pay and most settled in France. They had become French soldiers of the Napoleonic Empire.
Napoleon’s Blackguards Paperback – April 4, 2019
by Stephen McGarry
ISBN-10: 1946409626
Publisher: Penmore Press LLC (April 4, 2019)
Spain 1808. A remarkable debut novel, Napoleon’s Blackguards introduces Captain James Ryan – brutally courageous, but haunted by the horrors of war – wanted by the British for his part in the 1798 Irish Rebellion, he escapes to France and joins Napoleon’s Irish Legion. The Irish unit’s reputation as the most hard-fighting and ill-disciplined unit in the French Army has been hard-earned, for they comprise a motley crew of blackguards, deserters, and others escaping the long hand of the law, all led by a band of former Irish rebels.

Ryan’s Irish battalion deployed to Spain during the Peninsular War, a war that drew England into the conflict in ousting the invading French from the Iberian Peninsula. When the British army arrive in Spain they are faced with a much larger French force led by Napoleon himself, and forced to retreat, fight a desperate rear guard action to reach Corunna, to ship them, Dunkirk-style back to England.
An albino Captain Darkford of the 4th Light Dragoons, who murdered Ryan’s family, is among them. Ryan and his band of renegades, play their favourite Irish ballads, as they pursue the evil Darkford. Ryan must have his revenge; will he have time to catch his implacable enemy before the British slip away?
A cracking adventure story, meticulously researched, and based on real events from the author of Irish Brigade’s Abroad, from the Wild Geese to the Napoleonic Wars (2013).
Napoleon’s Blackguards – poised to become one of the great war novels of the period – is a must-read for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Simon Scarrow. The book drips with the horrors of war, and contains, perhaps the most vivid and unflinchingly graphic depictions of war’s bloody effects written during the Napoleonic Wars.